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Practice Exercises - Sensation and Perception - AP Psychology Premium 2024


1. Our sense of smell may be a powerful trigger for memories because

(A) we are conditioned from birth to make strong connections between smells and events.

(B) the nerve connecting the olfactory bulb sends impulses directly to the limbic system.

(C) the receptors at the top of each nostril connect with the cortex.

(D) smell is a powerful cue for encoding memories into long-term memory.

(E) strong smells encourage us to process events deeply so they will most likely be remembered.

2. The cochlea is responsible for

(A) protecting the surface of the eye.

(B) transmitting vibrations received by the eardrum to the hammer, anvil, and stirrup.

(C) transforming vibrations into neural signals.

(D) coordinating impulses from the rods and cones in the retina.

(E) sending messages to the brain about orientation of the head and body.

3. In a perception research lab, you are asked to describe the shape of the top of a box as the box is slowly rotated. Which concept are the researchers most likely investigating?

(A) feature detectors in the retina

(B) feature detectors in the occipital lobe

(C) placement of rods and cones in the retina

(D) binocular depth cues

(E) shape constancy

4. The blind spot in our eye results from

(A) the lack of receptors at the spot where the optic nerve connects to the retina.

(B) the shadow the pupil makes on the retina.

(C) competing processing between the visual cortices in the left and right hemisphere.

(D) floating debris in the space between the lens and the retina.

(E) retinal damage from bright light.

5. Smell and taste are called __________ because __________

(A) energy senses; they send impulses to the brain in the form of electric energy.

(B) chemical senses; they detect chemicals in what we taste and smell.

(C) flavor senses; smell and taste combine to create flavor.

(D) chemical senses; they send impulses to the brain in the form of chemicals.

(E) memory senses; they both have powerful connections to memory.

6. What is the principal difference between amplitude and frequency in the context of sound waves?

(A) Amplitude is the tone or timbre of a sound, whereas frequency is the pitch.

(B) Amplitude is detected in the cochlea, whereas frequency is detected in the auditory cortex.

(C) Amplitude is the height of the sound wave, whereas frequency is a measure of how frequently the sound waves pass a given point.

(D) Both measure qualities of sound, but frequency is a more accurate measure since it measures the shapes of the waves rather than the strength of the waves.

(E) Frequency is a measure for light waves, whereas amplitude is a measure for sound waves.

7. Weber’s law determines

(A) absolute threshold.

(B) focal length of the eye.

(C) level of subliminal messages.

(D) amplitude of sound waves.

(E) just-noticeable difference.

8. Gate-control theory refers to

(A) which sensory impulses are transmitted first from each sense.

(B) which pain messages are perceived.

(C) interfering sound waves, causing some waves to be undetected.

(D) the gate at the optic chiasm controlling the destination hemisphere for visual information from each eye.

(E) how our minds choose to use either bottom-up or top-down processing.

9. If you had sight in only one eye, which of the following depth cues could you NOT use?

(A) texture gradient

(B) convergence

(C) linear perspective

(D) interposition

(E) shading

10. Which of the following sentences best describes the relationship between sensation and perception?

(A) Sensation is a strictly mechanical process, whereas perception is a cognitive process.

(B) Perception is an advanced form of sensation.

(C) Sensation happens in the senses, whereas perception happens in the brain.

(D) Sensation is detecting stimuli, perception is interpreting stimuli detected.

(E) Sensation involves learning and expectations, and perception does not.

11. What function does the retina serve?

(A) The retina contains the visual receptor cells that transform light into neural impulses.

(B) The retina focuses light coming in the eye through the lens.

(C) The retina determines how much light is let into the eye.

(D) The retina determines which parts of the brain incoming light will be sent to.

(E) The retina connects the two optic nerves and sends impulses to the left and right visual cortices.

12. Color blindness and color afterimages are best explained by what theory of color vision?

(A) trichromatic theory

(B) visible hue theory

(C) opponent-process theory

(D) dichromatic theory

(E) binocular disparity theory

13. You are shown a picture of your grandfather’s face, but the eyes and mouth are blocked out. You still recognize it as a picture of your grandfather. Which type of processing best explains this example of perception?

(A) bottom-up processing

(B) signal detection theory

(C) top-down processing

(D) opponent-process theory

(E) gestalt replacement theory

14. What behavior would be difficult without our vestibular sense?

(A) integrating what we see and hear

(B) writing our name

(C) repeating a list of digits

(D) walking a straight line with our eyes closed

(E) reporting to a researcher the exact position and orientation of our limbs

15. Which of the following sentences best describes the relationship between culture and perception?

(A) Our perceptual rules are inborn and not affected by culture.

(B) Perceptual rules are culturally based, so rules that apply to one culture rarely apply to another.

(C) Most perceptual rules apply in all cultures, but some perceptual rules are learned and vary between cultures.

(D) Slight variations in sensory apparatuses among cultures create slight differences in perception.

(E) The processes involved in perception are genetically based, so genetic differences among cultures affect perception.

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