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Practice Exercises - Liquids and Solids - AP Chemistry Premium 2024


1. In which of the following are the intermolecular forces listed from the strongest to the weakest for a single attraction?

(A) Dipole-dipole > London > hydrogen bonds
(B) Hydrogen bonds < dipole-dipole < London
(C) London < dipole-dipole < hydrogen bonds
(D) London > hydrogen bonds > dipole-dipole


2. Which of the following consistently have the highest melting points and why?

(A) Metals because the conducting electrons bind metal atoms very strongly using Coulomb forces
(B) Salts since they have very strong attractions between ions
(C) Molecular crystals because additional bonding between molecules takes place
(D) Molecules having resonance structures since they can shift forms instead of breaking


3. Which of the following is expected to have the greatest surface tension?



4. What is the most reasonable interpretation of the figure below?


(A) Based on the numbers on the axes, this is a plot of boiling points of some compounds.
(B) The figure shows that H2O, NH3, and HF have unusually high boiling points because the lines on the graph of similar compounds are not extended.
(C) The figure indicates that the effect of polarizability on smaller molecules is the largest.
(D) The figure illustrates experimental error where the boiling point of CH4 must be an error.


5. Which of the following compounds will NOT form hydrogen bonds?

(A) CH2F2


6. Which of the following molecules are expected to have the highest boiling point?



7. What does this graph tell you?


(A) Only a small fraction of all molecules of this substance has enough kinetic energy to escape into the gas phase.
(B) The kinetic energy depends on the number of molecules.
(C) A specific kinetic energy is required to escape Earth’s gravitational pull.
(D) The energy needed to vaporize molecules is only a small fraction of all of the energy of the molecules based on the relative areas of the shaded and unshaded areas of this graph.


8. Which of the following statements is NOT consistent with the crystal properties of the substance?

(A) Aluminum is used to reflect light in telescopes because it does not corrode easily.
(B) Tungsten is drawn into thin wires for incandescent light bulbs because of its high melting point.
(C) SiC is used to create inexpensive soft toys for infants.
(D) Graphite is used to lubricate locks because planes of flat carbon hexagons slide by each other easily.


9. What causes C30H62 to be a nonpolar compound that is a solid at room temperature?

(A) Ionic attractive forces
(B) Dipole-dipole attractions
(C) London forces
(D) The fact that the C30H62 is a very heavy molecule


Questions 10–11 refer to the heating curve below.


10. On the basis of this heating curve, which of the following statements is true?

(A) The heat of fusion is less than the heat of vaporization.
(B) The heat capacities of the solid, liquid, and gas are approximately equal.
(C) The heat capacity of the gas is greater than that of the liquid.
(D) The heat capacity of the gas is greater than the heat of fusion.


11. On the basis of this heating curve, which of the following statements is correct about the substance?

(A) The substance supercools easily.
(B) The gas is a metastable state.
(C) The substance must be a salt that dissociates on heating.
(D) The specific heat can be determined if the mass is known.


12. A student measured the temperature of a small amount of acetone with a temperature probe interfaced to her computer and obtained a straight line that was the same as room temperature (see below). However, when the probe was removed from the acetone, the student noticed a small dip in the temperature line and that it then returned to room temperature. What is the best explanation of that observation?


(A) All organic compounds do this.
(B) Acetone has a low viscosity and transfers heat quanta better than the probe.
(C) Acetone has a high heat capacity; therefore, it has more heat to lose.
(D) The high vapor pressure of acetone results in rapid evaporation and heat loss until all the acetone evaporates from the probe, and then the temperature returns to normal.


13. When a small beaker of ethanol boils on a hot plate, small bubbles form at the bottom of the beaker and rise to the surface. An inverted test tube full of ethanol is held in the boiling ethanol to catch the bubbles by displacement. Which of the following best describes the vapor that is captured?

(A) When the vapor is condensed, the liquid burns easily.
(B) When a burning match approaches the test tube, the gas explodes.
(C) When a glowing splint (thin piece of wood) is inserted in the test tube, the splint bursts into flame.
(D) All of the above.


14. Which of the following is a molecular representation of the physical property described as the surface tension of a liquid?


15. Which of the following representations is best for communicating the idea about dynamic equilibrium and why?


(A) The representation on the left because liquid has to change into a gas to have an equilibrium
(B) The center representation since it shows gas molecules coming out of the water and some coming back in
(C) The representation on the right since there are exactly the same number of molecules condensing into the liquid as there are molecules evaporating
(D) None of these is correct because a dynamic equilibrium occurs only in aqueous solution and most often for weak acids and bases


16. What information does this graph contain?


(A) Few molecules have small kinetic energies.
(B) A small number of molecules have very large kinetic energies.
(C) The average kinetic energy of a group of molecules is a little to the right of the peak of this curve.
(D)  All of the above.



Use the concepts and information in this chapter and in preceding chapters to answer the following questions.

(a) Why must helium be cooled to 4 K before it will condense? Explain your answer using fundamental concepts.

(b) Use the concepts in this chapter to explain why trans fats are considered harmful whereas cis fats are not.

(c) Sketch a plot of boiling points versus period number for the hydrides of the oxygen group, the nitrogen group, and the halogen group. Explain what this demonstrates.

(d) List and describe the intermolecular forces we use to explain physical properties.

(e) Describe two methods for deciding if a substance has a predominantly ionic character or a predominantly covalent behavior.

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